Welcome to "GraMa's Tidbits"! Check back often for new postings. Check out the Blog Archive or Labels file for your interest.
This is a blog with photos taken by; and poems and prose written by Marilyn Sue McIntosh Adams, a.k.a. M. Sue Adams.
May you have a giggle, feel uplifted, or smile at an insight from what you read. May the photos brighten your day as well. Enjoy!

I RECENTLY decided to add an odd poem/posting here or there, labeling them as different, as I have written a few of those.
"LEARN as you LIVE LIFE; HAVE FUN; SMILE, LAUGH & GIGGLE, it will help you grow and heal from life's owies!"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Seeking Peace--Dove Poster

The 16 seconds this poster speaks of is how long it takes to plop open your scriptures and whatever page it opens too then read the first scripture you see...then apply it to your life for that day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Child's Dream

This pillow was made by me many years ago as a gift to a niece...or nephew...can't recall which...I have since edited this poem.