Welcome to "GraMa's Tidbits"! Check back often for new postings. Check out the Blog Archive or Labels file for your interest.
This is a blog with photos taken by; and poems and prose written by Marilyn Sue McIntosh Adams, a.k.a. M. Sue Adams.
May you have a giggle, feel uplifted, or smile at an insight from what you read. May the photos brighten your day as well. Enjoy!

I RECENTLY decided to add an odd poem/posting here or there, labeling them as different, as I have written a few of those.
"LEARN as you LIVE LIFE; HAVE FUN; SMILE, LAUGH & GIGGLE, it will help you grow and heal from life's owies!"

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Merry Christmas 2015

I have not posted anything for awhile and am trying to start the New Year with this post from Christmas. May God Bless you and yours...M. Sue Adams