Welcome to "GraMa's Tidbits"! Check back often for new postings. Check out the Blog Archive or Labels file for your interest.
This is a blog with photos taken by; and poems and prose written by Marilyn Sue McIntosh Adams, a.k.a. M. Sue Adams.
May you have a giggle, feel uplifted, or smile at an insight from what you read. May the photos brighten your day as well. Enjoy!

I RECENTLY decided to add an odd poem/posting here or there, labeling them as different, as I have written a few of those.
"LEARN as you LIVE LIFE; HAVE FUN; SMILE, LAUGH & GIGGLE, it will help you grow and heal from life's owies!"

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Have A Happy New Year!

May everyone have a WONDERFUL closing of 2016 and opening of 2017 by doing Random Acts of Kindness on both days!!!! Then choosing to do so everyday of this coming year!!! Your life will be happier and your sorrows will be easier to bear.

May God Bless,

M. Sue Adams 

Love So Pure

Friday, October 28, 2016

Oct. 2016 Letter & The Road Map Poem

This great-grandmother seems to get busier as time passes by so quickly so I apologize to my viewers for my new posts being far and few between!!!! Do know this, I am here and gratefully handing out poetry, storys and letters to all who grace my doorway! I pray that your life is so blessed.---M. Sue Adams 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Merry Christmas 2015

I have not posted anything for awhile and am trying to start the New Year with this post from Christmas. May God Bless you and yours...M. Sue Adams